Yearly archive for 2001

Advertência de um sábio afegão

Autor desconhecido

22 de setembro de 2001

Não tenho a menor idéia de quem é Tamin Ansary, mas ele mesmo diz que é um americano de origem afegã. E que ele é um sábio, é coisa de que não se pode duvidar depois da leitura dessa mensagem breve e exata que ele está distribuindo em inglês pela internet.

Cada uma das palavras de Ansary, no meu entender, é verdadeira. Eu acrescentaria apenas que o plano macabro que ele menciona nas linhas finais não me parece criação exclusiva de Bin Laden, ou mesmo de qualquer outro líder islâmico, e sim de potências interessadas em usar os muçulmanos como instrumentos de agressão e de camuflagem, para poder ferir os EUA sem arriscar-se a um confronto direto. É a velha pergunta: Quia bono? (“Bom para quem?”). Quem lucraria com um conflito total entre o Islam  e o Ocidente? Não me venham com histórias de conspiração judaica. Nesse conflito, Israel perderia tudo. Os únicos ganhadores seriam a Rússia e a China. Creio que Ansary sabe disto tanto quanto eu, mas, por algum motivo, não quis levar sua análise até esse ponto. – O. de C.

22 de setembro de 2001

Andei ouvindo um bocado de conversas sobre “mandar o Afeganistão de volta à Idade da Pedra à força de bombas”. Ronn Owens, na Rádio KGO, admitiu hoje que isso significaria matar pessoas inocentes, pessoas que não têm nada a ver com essa atrocidade, mas disse que “estamos em guerra, temos de aceitar o dano colateral. Que mais podemos fazer?”. Minutos depois ouvi outro sábio da TV discutindo se “temos o estômago para fazer o que tem de ser feito”.

E pensei com ainda mais afinco nessas questões porque sou do Afeganistão, e embora tendo vivido aqui nos EUA por 35 anos a gente nunca perde a pista do que está se passando por lá. Por isso quero dizer, a todos os que queiram ouvi-lo, como é que a coisa se mostra desde o ponto em que a observo.

Falo como homem que odeia o Talibã e Osama Bin Laden. Não há dúvida, na minha cabeça, de que essa gente foi responsável pela atrocidade em Nova York. Concordo que algo precisa ser feito para dar um jeito nesses monstros.

Mas o Talibã e Bin Laden não são o Afeganistão. Não são nem mesmo o governo do Afeganistão. O Talibã é uma seita de psicóticos ignorantes que tomaram de assalto o Afeganistão em 1997. Bin Laden é um criminoso político que tem um plano. Quando você pensa no Talibã, pensa em nazistas. Quando você pensa em Bin Laden, pensa em Hitler. E, quando você pensa em “povo do Afeganistão”, pensa em “judeus nos campos de concentração”. Não é só que o povo afegão não teve nada a ver com essa atrocidade. Ele foi a primeira vítima dos perpetradores dela. Ele ficaria exultante se alguém fosse lá, tirasse o Talibã e limpasse o ninho de ratos, de bandidos internacionais que se escondem no seu país.

Alguns perguntam: “Por que os afegãos não se revoltam e derrubam o Talibã?” A resposta é: eles estão esgotados, exaustos, feridos, reduzidos à incapacidade e ao sofrimento. Uns anos atrás a ONU avaliou que havia 500.000 órfãos aleijados no Afeganistão – um país que já não tem economia nem comida. Tem milhões de viúvas. E o Talibã andou enterrando essas viúvas em valas comuns. O solo está cheio de minas explosivas, as fazendas foram todas destruídas pelos soviéticos. Essas são algumas das razões pelas quais o povo afegão não derrubou o Talibã.

Chegamos àgora à questão de bombardear o Afeganistão de volta para a Idade da Pedra. O problema é o seguinte: isso já foi feito. Os soviéticos se incumbiram da coisa. Fazer os afegãos sofrerem? Eles já estão sofrendo. Arrasar suas casas? Já estão arrasadas. Derrubar seus hospitais? Já estão derrubados. Destruir sua infra-estrutura? Deixá-los sem assistência médica e sanitária? Tarde demais. Alguém já fez tudo isso.

Novas bombas apenas remexeriam o entulho das velhas. Pelo menos elas atingiriam os Talibãs? Não é provável. No Afeganistão de hoje, só os Talibãs comem, só eles têm os meios de mudar de lugar. Eles cairiam fora e se esconderiam. Talvez as bombas alcancem alguns daqueles órfãos aleijados, porque eles não andam muito rápido e não têm nem cadeiras de rodas. Mas voar sobre Kabul e jogar bombas não seria realmente um golpe nos criminosos que fizeram aquela coisa horrível. Seria apenas fazer causa comum com os Talibãs – estuprar mais uma vez o povo que eles andaram estuprando esse tempo todo.

Que mais, então? Que é que se pode fazer? Permitam-me falar com autêntico temor e tremor. O único jeito de pegar Bin Laden é ir até lá com tropas terrestres. Quando as pessoas falam de “ter o estômago para fazer o que é preciso fazer”, elas estão pensando em termos de ter o estômago para matar quanto seja preciso matar. Ter o estômago para superar quaisquer escrúpulos morais de matar inocentes. Vamos tirar nossas cabeças para fora do buraco na areia. O que de fato está na mesa são mortes de americanos. E não é só porque alguns americanos podem morrer abrindo caminho a bala, Afeganistão a dentro, até o esconderijo de Bin Laden. É porque, para colocar soldados no Afeganistão, teremos de ir pelo Paquistão. Os paquistaneses nos deixarão fazer isso? Provavelmente não. A vitória sobre o Paquistão terá de vir primeiro. Outras nações muçulmanas vão ficar só olhando? Vocês vêem aonde estou querendo chegar. Estamos flertando com uma guerra mundial entre o Islam e o Ocidente.

E – adivinhem o que? Esse é o programa de Bin Laden. Isso é exatamente o que ele quer. Eis por que ele fez o que fez. Leiam seus discursos e declarações. Está tudo lá. Ele realmente acredita que o Islam venceria o Ocidente. Pode parecer ridículo, mas ele imagina que, se puder polarizar o mundo em Islam e Ocidente, conseguirá um bilhão de soldados. Se o Ocidente fizer um holocausto naquelas terras, isso será um bilhão de pessoas sem mais nada para perder, mas isso será ainda melhor desde o ponto de vista de Bin Laden. Ele provavelmente está errado, e no fim o Ocidente vencerá – o que quer que isto possa significar –, mas a guerra terá durado anos e milhões de pessoas terão morrido, não só do lado deles mas do nosso. Quem tem estômago para isso? Bin Laden tem. Alguém mais?

The Origin of the Attacks

Olavo de Carvalho
Época, September 22, 2001

Read some of the facts that misinformation tries to cover up

While center-stage in Brazil features a procession of professional liars and amateur idiots alerting against George W. Bush’s “paranoia,” as if the September attacks were delirious images dreamed up by the right to justify the mistreatment of defenseless leftists, the analyses of people studying the affairs are kept far from society, in turn unable to understand the events that will shape their lives, in possibly tragic ways, in the coming years.

One of specialists is Colonel Stanislav Lunev, a name completely unknown in this part of the world. A former member of Russia’s Army administration, he is the highest ranking spy to desert the Soviet military, the GRU, in history. Today he is a security consultant for the U.S. government.

At the beginning of the 1990s, he alerted the CIA that Russia, while dismantling the socialist economic system, still maintained its so-called “special organs” intact – especially the GRU – and that these would continue to develop meticulous plans to wage war against the U.S. He noted that “this war could begin with a diversionary operation, some type of terrorist attack.”

Today, following the attacks, he says: “I have no doubt that Russia is behind these terrorist groups, financing them and supplying them.” It’s true that Moscow has declared its solidarity with the U.S., but it also did so during the Gulf War, even while sending technicians and equipment to aid Saddam Hussein. If not for a secret Russian alliance with the Afghanis, how could one explain that this nation, after losing 1 million of its people in combat with Soviet troops and surviving only thanks to American support, could forget its animosity against the aggressor and turn blind rage against the benefactor?

More importantly, Afghani military commander Gulbaddin Hekmatiyar has always been involved in the Soviet incentive scheme and taken advantage of international drug trafficking, as told to American authorities in 1968 by General Jan Sejna, who abandoned his post as spokesman for the party’s Central Committee in the Czech Ministry of Defense. Sejna provided direct testimony to the deals between Soviets and Chinese, since the 1950s, for flooding the U.S. with cocaine and using drugs to finance the Communist revolution in Latin America, which is today in control of Colombia.

In light of this, Colonel Lunev warns that now the escalation of anti-American violence has barely begun and only an energetic and determined response can stop the plans for full-blown war, as stated Ulema-i-Afghanistan, the assembly of Afghani religious leaders, who urge nothing less than the “total elimination of American through force.” This assembly has no authority to declare a jihad for all Muslims, as it is doing, because that declaration can only be approved by an umma, an international community of educated Muslims, according to Koranic law, and the majority of these leaders are staunchly against a war of extermination. But, as I describe below, so-called “Islamic fundamentalists” are stomping on the fundamentals of Islam: their ideology is not that of Islam, it’s rather a type of “theology of liberation,” an abusive and macabre politicization of the Koran’s message. For this reason, they have no scruples in allying with the assassins of their fellow followers against the one country that, in a moment of agony, extended a saving hand to Muslim fighters.

Caste of Phonies

Olavo de Carvalho
O Globo, September 22, 2001

“The greatest danger of a bomb
is the explosion of stupidity that it causes.”

(Octave Mirbeau, 1850-1917)

Following the September attacks, a wave of indignation has spontaneously washed over the hearts of Brazilian toward international terrorism. Since then, local academic leaders have dedicated themselves, with all their means and skills, to turn it against the victim. So vast is the mobilization of brain power to that end that, if the same energy were used on useful tasks, Brazil would break its long tradition of having won no prices in scientific research and, for a change, win them all. It’s frightening to see our society, always aghast at the disappearance of public money into the pockets of lawmakers, happily pay taxes to keep an even more useless and perverse caste in place than politicians. More useless, perverse, and expensive. Brazil has more university professors to students per capita than any other country: one for each eight students. One chief for eight little Indians. It might be said that we’re the most educated country on Earth. But, with some much honorable exceptions, each one of those chiefs has his own objectives, a secret agenda unrelated to teaching, culture, and civilization. Pretending to teach, each one merely attempts to promote a Socialist revolution that would make him, Mr. Little Joe, the Minister of State, an officer of the secret police, or at least a commissary of the people. Being an intellectual in this country is to conduct a Gramscian revolution, which is to put intellectuals in power. Being an academic intellectual is to do so while receiving public money. When one of these doctors, with an air of scientific superior impartiality, force into the reader mind the version that the attacks were the work of “extreme right-wing” Yankee forces, and not fanatics goaded by leftist international media, what he is doing is treating you, my friend, like Pavlov’s dog, a circus bear, a worthless little beast designed to dance and wag its little tail for the master, without being able or willing to think. He is lying and manipulating at the service of psychological warfare, which in this or all similar attacks serves to support terrorists and widen the political effects of their actions. He is not an analyst, a student, a professor: rather a celebrated terrorist, who is assigned to the misinformation section for being too cowardly, too old, or too smart to risk his life in truculent enterprises.

In other parts of the world, a counterfeiter would think twice before trying to pass off such a blatantly phony bill. In the world, there are people even in academic caste who know that extreme right militants in the U.S., including doomsday prophets, white supremacists and “tutti quanti”, number no more than 4,000, according to the FBI; that all of their steps are monitored by the police and, in the bottom line, represent the most insignificant political force on the planet; and who know that their only relevance is thanks to the leftist media, which uses them as a scarecrow… In the world, there are people who witnessed the fearful and boasted neo-Nazi movement in Germany dissolve alongside the Communist government in East Berlin that funded it… In the world, there are people who, in the face of the incriminating discourse of the “extreme right,” would soon realize the dubiousness of the term, used to fuse into a semantic cloud, from one side, those criminals accused by the establishment and, from the other, the very establishment: closet anarchists, Nazis and anti-Semites, conspiring with American capitalists and Jews in order to make Jews agree to blow themselves up in the pure goal of creating a wave of anti-left hatred. The image is so childish that a right-minded academic agitator would hardly dare to suggest it to a mature public. But in Brazil, we not only lend an ear to these people, we pay them to reduce us to mental childhood.

Equally powerful in making us complete imbeciles, while slightly less showy, is the general appeal of Fidel Castro’s argument regarding the attacks, which are evil per se, but morally justified as reactions to desperation amid the suffocating omnipresence of American power.

What omnipresence is that? No countries are currently under American occupation, while Lhasa, Tibet, has fewer Tibetans than Chinese soldiers; and in the very country that harbors Bin Laden, it was the Russians and not the Americans who killed a million Afghanis, halting the massacre only when American support tipped the scales toward the Muslims.

And what desperation is that, which turns against the most generous of benefactors? Excluding the events in Kuwait and Granada, the U.S. has for decades, manipulated by the UN, agreed to take part in foreign interventions only when they are intended to help Communists seize power or maintain it. This was what happened, for example, in the Communist aggressions in Angola and Goa. As in Katanga, where UN troops, subsidized and lauded by the U.S. government, laid waste to a rebel province only to integrate it into the bloody dictatorship of Patrice Lumumba, young son of KGB. As in South Africa today, where the UN and the New York establishment, underneath the anti-racist rhetoric, conceal the “ethnic cleansing” conducted by Communists against Boer farmers. And, when this type of policy leads to a massacre of colossal proportion on par with Rwanda in 1994, when 800,000 people were slaughtered by hordes intoxicated by equalitarian ideology, not only the State Department and the UN Security Council kept quiet, but the U.S. media made it possible to rebuff the ideologic sense od the events, and reduce it to a “war among savages,” which was actually the logical and foreseeable effect of a long revolutionary indoctrination. With nearly obsessive regularity, since President Roosevelt ignored the Chinese revolution with the dazzling excuse that Mao Tse-Tung was not a Communist but a “Christian agrarian reformer,” and until the suicidal concessions were made in light of Chinese arms build-up by a president elected with Chinese campaign funds, U.S. politics cyclically and increasingly revisits this perfidious and masochistic conduct: support the Communists through nebulous operations which, in a culmination of cynicism or lunacy, are presented to the public as anti-Communist. For the Communists, the benefit is two-fold. On one hand, they receive resources: money, weapons, support from international organizations. On the other, each new event creates a new realistic pretext for the press to speak against the sordid investments in Yankee anti-Communist spending. How could any leftist be “desperate” in such a comfortable situation?