Donald Hank

Laigle’s Forum, September 28, 2008

The big scandal here is that no one in the media, whether “conservative” or liberal, will talk about the lawsuit against Obama. I recall recently that a caller to the Glenn Beck radio program brought this up. Immediately, Glenn told her this issue was nothing in comparison to so many other really important issues, and that there is no need to discuss it.

So much for the “free” conservative media. Rush is silent on this issue, and so is Hannity. And even “conservative” news sites on the web are ignoring it.

So what if this is not the “opportune” time to mention it? So what if it puts Hillary in a position to regain her candidacy? So what if liberals don’t want you to know?

This silence on the issue is proof that the press, whether “conservative” (I don’t think it is) or liberal, is in some way operating in someone’s interests, and that someone is not you!

Think about it: why is it that a Brazilian Newspaper (Diário do Comércio) is carrying news that is, for all intents and purposes, censored in the US?

I hope to be able to comment further on the self-censorship and the recent distortions in the “conservative” media. (Have you noticed how no one is protesting the bailout? They limit themselves to a discussion of who gets what of your money. Sickening!)